macSvn Help


How to check out and manage a new working copy?

Open a directory in Finder window in order to check out the repository into it, click the "macSvn" button in the toolbar, and execute the "Subversion / Checkout ..." menu item.

Check out working copy menu of macSvn

Fill in the "Source URL", "Checkout revision", and other fields in the Checkout to dialog box. Check the "Manage after checked out" box and click the "OK" button to perform the check out operation.

Note: macSvn cannot properly manage working copies on iCloud Drive, so do not store working copies on iCloud Drive when checking out working copies. If iCloud sync is turned on for "Desktop and Documents Folders", do not check out working copies to these locations, or turn off syncing of "Desktop and Documents Folders" with iCloud. iCloud iCloud drive

Check out working copy menu of macSvn